Wire Wish List
= new entries
Privacy and Security
- Privacy issue: Android by default shares contacts when an new identity is added this has to opt in
- Option to disable calls
- Block unknown
- Opt-in for group chats
- Setting for read receipts
Usability and Features
Add Jabber like presence status for desktop clients.
Allow to add bots in app instead of only via web client.
- Full IPv6 Support
- HW echo cancellation
- Selectable media size (uncompressed option)
- Allow to search in the contact list for contacts
- Integrate with Android contacts
- Allow to send message from contact
- Allow to call from contact
- Make „everything“ configurable e.g:
- Contract list background image, even allow to set ist to just a color or gradient
- Editable contact names
- Contact images
- Contact notifications / ringtones
- Contacts allowed channels: text, voice, video
- Text size
- Threema like trust system with QR code scanning
- Better contact status in contact list:
- Number of unread messages, missed calls for IOS
- Trust state (see Threema)
- Tasker integration to act on messages and send messages
- Replace Pushover securely:
- API for sending messages from applications e.g. Nagios
- Widget displaying messages of selected contacts
- Message priorities (at least 3 levels) to:
- Implement message priorities
- Allwo different notifications and sounds by priority
- Integrate with ConnectionServices
- Contact groups for e.g. grouping contacts by company for *just* organizing contacts (not chat groups)
- Allow to add contact to more then one group
- Allow to show contact also stand alone and in groups or only in groups
- Allow to collapse and expand groups to hide ans show contacts (tree like)
- Screen sharing while chatting without the need of a video call (with remote control Wire may get a Teamviewer killer)
- Screen sharing on mobile platforms
- Priority / pinned chats above and normal chats below. @RezaTorabi73
- Integrate with CallKit
- Number of unread messages, missed calls (Android/Web/Desktop)
- Desktop client: Add emoji aliases like :-) :) :-( :( :D :p etc. (veterans are used to this :-)
- More than one account per device (business / private / other)
- Debian / Ubuntu Package Repository
wwl.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/11/01 12:16 von matthias