ISL AlwaysOn Generator
ISL Documentation
Silent Setup
Base URL
Type of binary
"download" creates a complete binary for silent deployment. "start" creates a minimal binary.
Link that is used by the default ISL AlwaysOn web page used command line option grant that is followed by grant blob. If silent install is needed (no user confirmation), grant_silent can be used instead.
grant silent
Silent Install
Command line option /SILENT instructs the installer not to display the wizard and the background window. If you use /VERYSILENT, the installation progress window will not be displayed either. The setup will not be started when ISL AlwaysOn is already installed on that computer.
set SILENT parameter
set VERYSILENT parameter
Grant Password
Option grant_password defines a new granted connection password. This option is used together with the option grant_silent.
Option password will set access password if the password hasn't already been set.
Record Path
Option record is used to set the session recordings folder. When an ISL Light session is started and session recording folder is set, the session will be recorded to the specified folder.
Share Path
Option share is used to add a shared folder - during installation, a dialog for adding a new file share will pop up, with the provided location already entered, allowing you to set the authentication and access parameters, then confirm it by clicking OK.
Example: share "C:\myshare"
Link that is used by the default ISL AlwaysOn web page used command line option grant that is followed by grant blob. If silent install is needed (no user confirmation), grant_silent can be used instead.
Command line option description is followed by the description text that will be shown in the ISL AlwaysOn page. Description text can also specify environment variables that are available to ISL AlwaysOn process and some additional variables.
Push Updgrade
Adding option push_upgrade will enable or disable automatic software updates initiated from the ISL Conference Proxy server - this options is useful for corporate environments where administrator wants to update multiple computers at the same time.
do push upgrade
Option shutdown stops all ISL AlwaysOn services on local computer. If no user confirmation is needed, use shutdown_silent.
enable shutdown mode
shutdown silent
Skip Check Start
Option skip_check_start will always upgrade the ISL AlwaysOn program first and then perform actions that are specified with parameters.
skip start check
Ignore Sytem Account
Required for MSI like silent setups.
ignore system account
Generate URL