Add Jabber like presence status for desktop clients.

Allow to add bots in app instead of only via web client.
Full IPv6 Support
HW echo cancellation
Selectable media size (uncompressed option)
Allow to search in the contact list for contacts
Integrate with Android contacts
Make „everything“ configurable e.g:
Contract list background image, even allow to set ist to just a color or gradient
Editable contact names
Contact images
Contact notifications / ringtones
Contacts allowed channels: text, voice, video
Text size
Threema like trust system with QR code scanning
Better contact status in contact list:
Tasker integration to act on messages and send messages
Replace Pushover securely:
Contact groups for e.g. grouping contacts by company for *just* organizing contacts (not chat groups)
Allow to add contact to more then one group
Allow to show contact also stand alone and in groups or only in groups
Allow to collapse and expand groups to hide ans show contacts (tree like)
Screen sharing while chatting without the need of a video call (with remote control Wire may get a Teamviewer killer)
Screen sharing on mobile platforms
Priority / pinned chats above and normal chats below. @RezaTorabi73