
FreeBSD updaten


PKG basierendes Setup

Installiertes System auf den aktuellen Stand bringen

freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
pkg update
pkg upgrade

Basissystem-Release-Upgrade durchführen

freebsd-update upgrade -r 11.0-RELEASE
freebsd-update install
freebsd-update install
pkg-static install -f pkg
pkg upgrade
freebsd-update install

Jails updaten

mkdir /basejail
mount -t nullfs -o rw /usr/jails/basejail /basejail
ezjail-admin update -U -s 10.3-RELEASE

Jails selbst updaten

Kernel aktivieren

ezjail-admin stop JailName
ezjail-admin start JailName

PKG-Update im Jail

ezjail-admin console JailName
pkg-static install -f pkg
pkg upgrade

Ports basierendes Setup

Quelle: (lokale Kopie)


freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install


Ports updaten:

portsnap fetch update

/usr/ports/UPDATING prüfen:

for i in `portmaster -L --index-only 2>/dev/null| egrep '(ew|ort) version|total install' | grep "New version" | awk -- '{print $5}' | sed 's/-[0-9][0-9.,-_].*$//'`
    grep -B1 $i /usr/ports/UPDATING | grep -B1 "AFFECTS:"| sed 'N;s/\n/ /'
done | grep -v "\-\-" | sort

Ergibt eine Liste wie:

20081211:   AFFECTS: users of lang/php5
20100727:   AFFECTS: users of security/libgcrypt
20100912:   AFFECTS: ftp/curl
20110319:   AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql55-client
20110928:   AFFECTS: users of www/nginx-devel
20120104:   AFFECTS: users of devel/thrift, py-thrift, php5-thrift, p5-thrift
20120726:   AFFECTS: users of devel/pkg-config
20121211:   AFFECTS: users of devel/pcre
20130503:   AFFECTS: users of security/libgcrypt and any port that depends on it
20140327:   AFFECTS: users of lang/php5 and lang/php55 with Apache module
20140413:   AFFECTS: Users of Python and pkg >= 1.2.7_1

Wenn das Datum einer Zeile vor:

date -r `pkg query %t | sort | tail -n1` "+%Y%m%d"

liegt, den entsprechenden Teil in /usr/ports/UPDATING lesen. Dann:

portmaster -a


Um den Portstree der Jails upzudaten:

ezjail-admin install -P